To exchange messages between registered guests and hotel staff (or System Administrator), enter the Messages
section, by selecting the respective command in the Main Menu:
Messages command in the System's Main Menu
The number located to the right from the command name is the number of new (unread) messages received from the guest:
Notification on the number of new messages
After clicking Messages
in the main menu, the following screen form opens in the working area:
Page with guest room message forms
To show messages received from a specific room only, enter it in the field Search by Room #
, located in the upper right corner of the screen form.
To view previous messages, or if it is necessary to send a new message, click the field with any message from the guest from the selected room:
Field with messages from the selected room
The following screen form opens:
Form to send a message to a guest
In the top right corner of the form the guest's language will be displayed (received from PMS or manually defined in CMS). It is recommended to use this default language to send messages to guests.
Enter the message text in the central field of the form and send it to the guest by clicking Send
Field for text input and button for message sending
If desired, you can translate the entered text into another language by selecting it in the 'Send & translate to …' drop-down list and click on the desired language:
Selection of a language to translate the message into