To view detailed information on any guest’s request, go to the Service Requests section, click View in the list of requests in the line corresponding to the request in the Actions column:

The following screen form opens in the working area:

The top part of the form will display guest and request information.

In the Delivery Time field, you can change the date and time of the order completion. To do this, click on the button

to the right of the previously appointed date and time of order completion:

Button for changing the date / time of order completion

Button for changing the date / time of order completion

The date / time editing field will open:

Field for editing the date / time of order completion

Field for editing the date / time of order completion

Manually or using the built-in calendar (click on the button

for the date and on the button

at the bottom of the calendar to change the time), specify the new date / time for the order completion, and then click on the button

to save the changes.

In the Comments/History field in the lower part of the form on the Set status to: select a new status from a drop-down list — Confirmed (confirmed, in progress), Completed (request is completed) or Canceled (request is canceled):

Selecting a new request status

Selecting a new request status