If Hoteza HSIA (high-speed Internet access system) is enabled in the hotel, the Internet Access
section appears in the Main Menu to control Internet access for guests:
«Internet Access» commands in the System Main Menu
The following list of codes opens in the working area:
List of Internet access codes
To keep the records that meet some specific conditions on the screen, enter a condition in the Filter
field. You can also use CODE
buttons to show either the list of access codes, guests, MAC-addresses or email addresses.
Filtration of records on the screen by “Codes”/”Guests”/”MAC- addresses”/ “Email addresses”
To create a new code, click Add code
button located in the top left corner of the window's working area:
Button to add a new Internet access code
The following screen form to add a new Internet access code opens:
Form to add a new Internet access code
Fill in the form's fields. Select the required plan from the drop-down list.
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If it is needed to get an extended plan, contact our support engineer at [email protected]. After its creation by the tech team, the plan will appear in the drop-down.
To specify the access code validity term, use the embedded calendar.
To pass guest devices without an authorization page, you can add the device’s MAC-address to the list of allowed devices. To add MAC-address, click Add MAC Address
Button to add a new MAC-address
The following screen form opens:
Form of MAC-address adding
Fill in the form fields. To specify the period of validity of the access code, use the embedded calendar.
Click Save
to complete.