To manage the list of hotel services go to Hoteza CMS → Application section → Edit Application Content → click on Hotel Services in the tree-like structure of the application menu.

A list of services will appear in the editing field:

To display the service in the application, set the switch to the right from the name of the selected service to ON position.

To hide the service in the application, set the switch to the right from the name of the selected service to OFF position.

To open the editing form for the selected service, use

(description of editing form can be found below).

To add a new hotel service in the list, click +Add Hotel Service:

Button to add a new hotel service in the list

A form for page editing appears:

Form to edit the hotel service properties

Enter the name of a new hotel service in the Title field.

Optionally, in the Custom field you can enter brief information about the new service.

Enter the name of the button corresponding to the application service in the Button name field.

In the Working Hours field, enter the service availability time as «HH:MM-HH:MM».

Specify the cost of the service in the Price field.