<aside> 💡 The feature is available only for Classic Mobile and HotPad 1.0


To add/delete POI (in English «point of interest» — object marked on a map) with the ability to create categories, go to Application → Edit Application content → Guide:

Create a new title for the section in the Title field.

Select from the Display on Device dropdown list types of devices on which the section should be displayed.

To save the changes, click on the Save button.

To add a new category of points on the map, click Add Guide Category:

Enter a title for the category in the Title field.

Select an icon for the new category from the Icon drop-down list:

Select from the Display on device drop-down list types of devices, on which the category will be displayed.

To create a point in the category, click Add point (or click the Add Guide Point button on the Application Edit → Guide display):

The following page will open:

Enter the point title in the Title field.

Enter the textual description of the added point in the Description field (optional). When editing the text, you can use buttons on the Toolbar of the embedded visual editor (for buttons functions see the description of the text page creating process – cl. of the present guide).

Latitude and longitude values for a point on the map are manually set in the Latitude and Longitude fields or by clicking on the map in the desired spot.

Select from the Display on Device drop-down list the types of devices on which a point should be displayed.