The Internet-shop integrated system allows locating various products sold by the hotel in the application via the Control System. To control orders to rooms, the Shop Orders section is used, which can be opened by selecting the respective command in the System’s Main Menu:

“Shop Orders” command in the System's Main Menu

“Shop Orders” command in the System's Main Menu

The following screen form opens:

“Shop Orders” section page

“Shop Orders” section page

The list of new orders will be displayed by default (NEW tab).

To view lists of orders with other statuses, e.g. confirmed, in progress (CONFIRMED tab), completed (COMPLETED tab) or canceled (CANCELED tab) — click respective buttons:

Buttons to go to lists of orders with various statuses

Buttons to go to lists of orders with various statuses

For example, to view the list of completed orders, go to the COMPLETED tab, by clicking the respective button:

List of orders completed

List of orders completed

To determine the number of records displayed simultaneously on the screen, select the number from the Records per page drop-down list:

Setting the number of records displayed simultaneously on the screen

Setting the number of records displayed simultaneously on the screen

Figure 75. Setting the number of records displayed simultaneously on the screen

To keep the records that meet some specific conditions on the screen, enter a condition in the Filter field:

Record filtration

Record filtration

Record filtration will be processed automatically as you enter a condition in the filter field.

In COMPLETED and CANCELED tabs, records can be filtered by date — specify the time interval by using the embedded calendar (click the button

), and click Search, for example:

Record filtration by date

Record filtration by date