To access statistics on TV channels, select the command ReportsApp StatisticsTV Channels in the Main menu of the System:

Access command for the TV channel statistics

Access command for the TV channel statistics

A display, containing a table with the names of TV channels and the total viewing time of each channel by guests, will open:

Internet usage report page

Internet usage report page

To select the reporting period, use the built-in calendar in the «Period» filed, then click on the «Apply» button:

The records in the table can be sorted by the number of views or the name of the channels. To do this, click on the heading of the corresponding column.

To select the reporting period, use the built-in calendar in the Period filed, then click on the Apply button:

To export the report to an Excel file, click the Export to XLS button. In the standard way for your browser, specify the location on your computer's hard disk or on removable media where you want to save the data.

You can filter the records displayed on the screen by category and/or by channel language. To do this, select a category and/or language from the corresponding dropdown lists in the Filter field:

Records filtration by category and/or channel language

Records filtration by category and/or channel language

To leave only records that meet strictly defined conditions on the screen, enter the condition in the Filter field, for example:

Records filtration on the screen

Records filtration on the screen

Records will be filtered automatically as you enter a condition in the filter field.