The actions of each user in the System are recorded in the database. To view these records, select the Logs command in the Main Menu:

«Logs» command in the Main menu of the site

«Logs» command in the Main menu of the site

A display will open:

System user actions log

System user actions log

The table will display the following information:

To change the number of records displayed simultaneously on the screen, select a number from the Records per page dropdown list:

Setting the number of records displayed at one time on the screen

Setting the number of records displayed at one time on the screen

Above the table there are buttons designed to sort the records in the table by the altered subsections of the System, i.e. after clicking on a specific button, only the records corresponding to the selected subsection, or all records (the All button) will remain on the screen:

User actions log

User actions log

The records in the table can also be filtered by date - specify the time interval using the built-in calendar (click the button

), and click the Search button, for example:

Records filtration by date

Records filtration by date

To leave only records that meet strictly defined conditions on the screen, enter the condition in the Filter field:

Records filtration

Records filtration