The SmartApps block consists of the TV applications that can be launched on TVs. This list includes YouTube, Netflix, Bluetooth, Web Browser, and Airtime. After the creation of the SmartApp in the CMS it is recommended to enable it as well on the server side, so if it is required to add more, please contact our Support team ([email protected]).

Any of the SmartApps can be placed either on the main menu (for more details see the “Metro Layout Builder”) or inside of a main menu section (please see “Combining Main Menu items into groups”).

To add a new SmartApp, go to Application —> Edit Application content section of the CMS and click the SmartApps button in the Main Menu of the application editing:

Screenshot 2024-02-21 at 13.09.24.png

The following form will appear in the working area:

Screenshot 2024-02-21 at 13.10.44.png

Select the app from the App Name dropdown list corresponding to the SmartApp you are going to activate.

For example, for YouTube SmartApp select “YouTube” and so on:

Screenshot 2024-02-21 at 14.34.30.png

Then fill out the Title field with the SmartApp name. If several languages are activated in the system, please insert the translation in all the languages tabs.

Any SmartApp can have its icon (a small graphic element), which you can choose from the Icon dropdown list:

The set of icons is pre-installed. If you want to change the list of icons, please contact our Support team ([email protected]).

Select from the Display Group and Display on devicedrop-down lists a group for the widget to be placed into, and the types of devices for the widget to be displayed on.

To upload the image file for a widget, click in the Image Tile field the Select file… button, specify the location of the image file on the hard disk of the computer or on removable media, and then click on the Open button.

<aside> 💡 The system supports the following image formats: PNG and JPG.


<aside> 💡 The minimum image size in pixels will be specified in the Minimal dimension requirements field


It is not recommended to use very large image files to avoid increasing the time of uploading images.

To display this SmartApp page on guest devices in particular rooms only or for certain guests, select the groups from the Display Groups drop-down list. If nothing is selected, the page is visible for all the guests in all the rooms.

See also:

Display Groups creation

To display this text page on a certain guest device only, select the device or devices from the Display on Device drop-down list. If nothing is selected, the text page will be displayed on all the Hoteza devices according to your license set.